“I hired MedHub to do marketing for my chiro practice almost 4 years ago. I used other marketing companies in the past and ALWAYS had problems with patient retention. I would receive referrals, but they would only treat 1-2 times and then completely disappear. MedHub helps track patient treatments and has access to the referral source, so if/when a patient becomes unresponsive, they help get me back in contact with them. I really can’t say enough good things about MedHub 10/10 would recommend!!!”
“I have to be honest…the first 2 months were a little slow, but they assured me it would pick up - and it REALLY did. The quality of these referrals is top notch. Some patients did stop treating, but the majority have totally complied with all recommended treatments. It was a tough decision to dish out $$ for marketing, but I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I did. My practice has grown tremendously.”
“The referrals I have received from MedHub have been solid. I definitely notice a difference in quality with their referrals vs accident patients I treat from other referral sources. MedHub actually cares about the patient and assigns them a case manager to guide them through every step of their legal case. I think this makes the patient feel more comfortable and helps them understand the process better.”
Port St. Lucie
“Don’t think twice!!! Best decision I ever made for my 3 chiro/physical therapy locations. MedHub's referrals basically come on a silver platter with all of the patient’s info including pip and accident details. My staff only interfaces with the MedHub team and doesn’t have to speak to the law firms – MedHub handles everything. All my staff has to do is schedule the patients – saves us so much time!”
North Miami Beach
“I spent the first 5 years of owning my practice going to a million marketing events, trying to network and meet people so I could drive business to my MRI center. A close friend recommended MedHub . I tried them for a few months, and I literally doubled the number of patients I was seeing. I am so glad I found them because I really hate networking! Now I don’t have to go to those cheesy events!”
Dr. Jason
Palm Coast